Free Patterns

All patterns are offered for FREE!
The photos and patterns can be shared on social media sites with a link back to the original post. Feel free to sell any items, but please DO NOT use my photos to promote the sale of those items.
Thanks for visiting!
Hello hope this makes sense love Your Blog so full of life an colors yet my computer says its not secure Please Help thanks Renee
Hi Renee, Thanks for reaching out. Security is an aspect on the blog I’m still updating. The site is safe for all readers. I do not sell products or ask any personal info from anyone… so you should be safe to read my content until I can update my security. Thanks again, Liz
Security is updated and site should now show as secure. Thanks again for the feedback!
Hi, how to I get to your amigurri patterns?
I’m not sure which patterns you’re referring to. All of my patterns are offered free on my blog.
I would love to have the pattern “Blanket of the hearts” as i just have a new great niece.