It seems that all I do lately…is try to get caught up. I have put my Etsy shop on vacation for a little while. Currently, I am crocheting a little at night and on the weekends. I’m trying to work out a schedule since I started my new job. Crocheting has been a lesser priority. My WIP is a bikini top. I get lots of orders for these in the spring and summer.
Sorry about the photos…black is not the best to photograph.
This is an order I have been struggling to finish. Hopefully, it will be finished tomorrow. I have 3 more orders to finish after this one. In the recent past, before starting my new job, I could whip out an order in a couple of days. But not now. I get frustrated with myself, because I feel like my customers are waiting, waiting, and waiting. I hope they understand. When I finish this top it should look like this…
I wish I could share some new projects, but maybe in a couple of weeks I’ll be able to. Since my shop is closed for a couple of weeks, you can find this pattern here on Ravelry.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
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