DIY Dining Table


I know I haven’t been around lately. I am really behind on my blogging and blog reading. DIY projects have consumed me. I’ve crocheted some, but not a lot. I do have a couple completed projects, but I can’t share just yet. Today I’m sharing a DIY project that Michael, Ireland and I finished on Saturday.

A dining table

We have a large empty space in the living area and I thought a table would be perfect.

I found something I liked on Pinterest and went from there. Michael works with a guy that has a saw mill, so we got the wood from him. Thursday, Michael came home with several 7′ long pine boards that are about 7-8″ wide.

About a week ago I ordered raw steel hairpin legs from and Michael went to Lowes and bought several 2x4s, sandpaper and #10 size screws. 
Friday morning Michael built the frame using the 2x4s and I went to Lowes to get clear coat for the legs. I scrubbed the raw steel legs and sprayed them with a matte clear coat to protect them from rusting. While I worked on the legs, Michael placed the top boards upside down and screwed the frame to the boards. About 10pm we started sanding and by 11pm we were ready to put a coat of Minwax Spar Poly on the table top. I didn’t get regular Minwax Poly because Spar Poly is better for use with dining tables to prevent water rings and food from staining the wood. Basically it seals better and is durable. The regular poly is for furniture like end tables, coffee tables, etc.

We finished the first coat of poly by midnight. That’s why my photos are so bad.

Saturday morning we flipped the top over and screwed the legs on… and voila!

It’s no where near perfect, but that’s why I like it so much.  I love these legs (and really anything mid century modern).
Finished measurements:
78″ in length
36″ in width
2.5″ thickness or depth
Wood for the top (we used five 7-8″ boards)
2x4s for the frame
#10 screws (2″ in length since our top with frame measured 2.5″)
four 28″ hairpin legs (3 prong) 28″ is standard table height
MinWax Spar Poly
Matte clear coat interior/exterior (to coat legs)
Tools used:
green scrubbing pads (to scrub the legs)
sandpaper (various grit)
saw (we used Miter saw)
and a tape measure of course

We still need to sand and put one more coat of poly on the top. We are planning on buying three Eames chairs for one side of the table and making a bench with hairpin legs for the other side.

I’m hoping my next post will be about a crochet project that I haven’t been able to share yet. Today I’ll ask permission and see how long I need to wait. I’m sooo excited to share it with you, but I just have to be patient.

Have a great week!

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15 Replies to “DIY Dining Table”

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  2. hard to believe I am very happy to be joined commented here, it makes an experience for me si iom

    pengobatan untuk sembuhkan sirosis hati,pengobatan tradisional kanker serviks stadium 1-4,cara menyembuhkan syaraf kejepit di leher,obat pembersih flek paru-paru tradisional,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan mata glaukoma,obat pengering luka diabetes tradisional,obat penyubur rahim agar cepat hamil tradisional,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan turun berok,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan epilepsi,obat penghancur lemak dalam darah tradisional,obat pencegah tulang keropos tradisional,obat penghilang bekas koreng tradisional,obat pereda kolesterol tinggi tradisional,obat pereda asam urat tradisional,pengobatan tradisional kanker endometrium,pengobatan tradisional tumor mamae,cara menghilangkan kadas dan kurap,pengobatan tradisional kanker kelenjar getah bening,obat penyumbatan tuba falopi tradisional,pengobatan tradisional radang usus buntu (apendisitis),cara menjaga kolesterol tubuh agar tetap stabil,bahaya penyakit radang panggul,bahaya mani encer,cara menurunkan ldl dan menaikan hdl,cara menyembuhkan perlemakan hati,efeksamping mengonsumsi obat anti tbc,cara cepat menurunkan berat badah setelah melahirkan,cara alami agar rambut hitam dan berkilau,cara alami menyembuhkan campak,cara cepat menurunkan kolestrol dan trigliserida tinggi,cara menyembuhkan gatal pada selangkangan,cara alami mengobati keputihan abnormal,pengobatan herbal penyakit parkinson,obat kista tiroid tanpa operasi,obat kurap herbal,obat penyempitan tulang belakang herbal

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