I know… I know, many of you may not want to think about Christmas at the moment, but recently I’ve started crocheting and knitting items to sell at our annual Craft Fair at work. Last year I donated items to the sale, but this year I’m making more with the intent to set up a…
Category: Uncategorized
I’m moving from Crochetincolor.blogspot.com! I started my blog way back in 2011, and I really hope I don’t lose many of my followers. I found that with blogger, the load and response time were becoming too slow. So here I am on Word Press! Over the next few days I’ll be linking my patterns and…
A few weeks ago, Ireland, Michael and I went to Raleigh for the Carolina Fiber Fest. I’ve been wanting to go for the past few years, but never made it. It’s a semi-small festival, but still offers a good amount of fiber and things to do. Ireland learned the basics of needle felting And how…
I haven’t been able to blog or write a blog post in quite awhile now. 2017 has been a rough one so far. Lately, I’ve thought about writing a post and I keep telling myself I have nothing important to say. Instead of talking about crochet or knitting projects I’m going to get a little…
I know I’m a couple of days late, but I’m back now and ready to announce the winner of Crochet Therapy Congrats to Windy! (the 23rd comment) I hope you enjoy the book and find something you would like to crochet. Just send me an email to sunshine75t@gmail.com and include your address. Thanks to all…
The last week of July we got in the car and just drove. We made no reservations or plans. We did ask for a week off from work ahead of time. I even forgot to take my camera. So all photos taken are iPhone pics. After driving all day, we ended up in Florida This…