Category: colorful

Back to the ‘Ol Patchwork

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I’ve finally picked up the hook and dug out the patchwork… I’m almost halfway there Scratchy kitty would not go away…she just had to have her picture taken.  After visiting Janette over at The Green Dragonfly and seeing her kitty cat, Billy, I thought I would post a pic of Scratchy. They look so much…

Three Scarves

75 Comment

Back to crochet again. It seems like every time I start a scarf, I feel the urge to start another and another. I started this one because I like the first chevron scarf…but I wanted a more narrow scarf with just one v. I think I’ll stick to blues, greens, pinks, and purples for the…

Rippling Again

38 Comment

I started rippling again after quite a long break. I picked up at the light purple or lavender closest to the bottom and have added 5 more colors. The photo below shows all rows/ all of the colors. I took these late in the day with no flash…so the colors are just not vibrant as…

Tuesday Tallies

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Here is my first Tuesday Tally. This is a One a Day project inspired by Carole over at Gingerbread Girl. When I saw her latest project, a patchwork granny, I knew I wanted to make one too. I started this exactly two weeks ago and have made 16 squares…so that’s a little over One a day….

One A Day Project

32 Comment

I’ve decided to start a new One A Day project. I love to visit Gingerbread Girl from time to time to check on her One a Day projects. I love her latest project and decided to make one too. This seems like an easy one. I can make a square anytime, anywhere…at the dr’s office,…