Category: colorful

A New Blanket WIP

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Yes, I’ve lost it. I started a new blanket…only because Ireland asked It seems everyone is participating in the Crochet Mood Blanket project. I thought about it and then reminded myself how terrible I am with blankets… I’m still working on the patchwork. But when your child asks you for something, you do it. So…

What I’ve Been Working On

37 Comment

I just realized that it’s been almost two months since I’ve posted anything crochet related. I’ve started about five new projects and finished about three…not so bad. Julia Vaconsin’s Basic Mitts I also completed a South Bay Shawl in the Red Heart Unforgettable. I think this is the Winery colorway.? It needs blocking and better…

The Finished Ripple

51 Comment

I forgot to post about my ripple afghan when I finished it. I am a terrible blanket/ afghan maker. I lose focus and start about 50 other projects before I ever finish these larger ones. It only took me about 2 and half years to finish… That’s really sad. I keep telling myself that the…

Pillow Or Afghan?

34 Comment

Pillow or afghan is the question. What should I do with the hexagons?  I’m thinking pillow for now. I am impatient and love those instant gratification projects. Or maybe I could make lots of hexis and make both. That’ll take me 2 years…seriously. I just finished my ripple afghan, finally, after almost exactly 2 years….

Hexagon Pattern

178 Comment

I have at least a half a dozen projects going on. Since I have crochet ADD, I decided to start another one. I love hexagons and decided to come up with my own pattern. Each one only takes a tiny amount of yarn, so I can use all of these little balls Materials Yarn of…