Category: chevron

The Finished Ripple

51 Comment

I forgot to post about my ripple afghan when I finished it. I am a terrible blanket/ afghan maker. I lose focus and start about 50 other projects before I ever finish these larger ones. It only took me about 2 and half years to finish… That’s really sad. I keep telling myself that the…

Three Scarves

76 Comment

Back to crochet again. It seems like every time I start a scarf, I feel the urge to start another and another. I started this one because I like the first chevron scarf…but I wanted a more narrow scarf with just one v. I think I’ll stick to blues, greens, pinks, and purples for the…

One a Day Progress

57 Comment

Progress has been slow on my One a Day projects. I have crocheted one block on the Patchwork blanket. The chevron scarf has only grown by 19 rows. I have almost finished the jewelry display, so when I have plenty of daylight I’ll take the photos. I’ll try to work on that tomorrow.  I also…

Tuesday (Saturday) Tallies

67 Comment

I haven’t made any progress on my patchwork blanket, but I have added a few rows to my chevron scarf I’ve decided to add as many colors as I can…as random as possible. No color rules…just taupe thrown in every two or three color changes. A beautiful scarf from LazyTcrochet inspired my choice of taupe….