Category: basket

Where oh Where…?

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Where oh where is my little Principeta? She is the winner of this basket and…no where to be found:( Can you believe it? I have tried emailing her twice, with no luck. Has anyone seen her? I really want her to have it…if she still wants it. I’m sure she forgot all about this giveaway….

Ombre Love

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It feels like I haven’t posted in forever. I just had to give you a sneak peek of my latest project. I worked on it all day yesterday. I love ombre. Something on Pinterest inspired these colors. Here’s a look at the entire basket. Yes, it’s another basket…and it’s a large one. I’ll have to…

February Giveaway

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I know I say this every month, but I’m gonna say it again. It’s that time again. My favorite time of the month…giveaway time. This month I am giving away a Goodie Basket. I love this basket. It is made from 2 strands of super bulky weight yarn held together. This makes it very sturdy….