Category: afghan

Hexagon Pattern

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I have at least a half a dozen projects going on. Since I have crochet ADD, I decided to start another one. I love hexagons and decided to come up with my own pattern. Each one only takes a tiny amount of yarn, so I can use all of these little balls Materials Yarn of…

Back to the ‘Ol Patchwork

48 Comment

I’ve finally picked up the hook and dug out the patchwork… I’m almost halfway there Scratchy kitty would not go away…she just had to have her picture taken.  After visiting Janette over at The Green Dragonfly and seeing her kitty cat, Billy, I thought I would post a pic of Scratchy. They look so much…

Tuesday Tallies…Early

40 Comment

I just can’t seem to make it home early enough on Tuesdays to take photos of my One a Day project. So I’ve decided to take my photos on the weekend. I’ve completed 5 rows. 10 squares for each row makes 50 squares. Check out Gingerbread Girl to see other One A Day projects. I’ve…

Tuesday Tallies

104 Comment

I missed last week’s One A Day Tuesday Tallies post… I came home after dark and didn’t take a picture of my progress on the patchwork granny. Today I came home after dark again. I took a photo anyway I hate taking photos with the flash and this one is just horrible. I didn’t want…

Lazy Day

58 Comment

I love to be lazy on the weekends. I have to force myself to clean and be productive on my days off. This is what we’re doing… We decided to break out the instant camera and play around with it. Ireland loves it, but the film is so expensive…I don’t let her go wild with…