I’m Elizabeth and I live in North Carolina.
I love to crochet and knit. When I started this blog way back in 2011 I was a stay-at-home mom and had more time to post about patterns, projects, and giveaways. Now I work full time as a social worker, so I don’t have as much time to crochet, but I try.
I prefer patterns that are simple in design, using simple stitch combinations.

I offer my patterns for free!
A few facts about me:
My last name changed to Pardue, but you can still find me as Elizabeth Trantham if you search me online.

We have a Shih tzu doggie and two outside cats. (Ireland really wants a Golden Retriever). I would also love a couple of parakeets, but do not believe I could handle a mini zoo:)

I really do read all emails and comments even if I do not answer all of them. I’m trying to do better with this, I promise.
I am not a yarn snob, I use acrylic as much as wool, alpaca, cotton, and other fibers. It’s not my favorite, but it’s very accessible.
I am working on my bucket list, (jumped out of an airplane, Disney Cruise, etc). I hope to one day retire at the beach and this will complete the list (Maybe)
I hope you find something you would love to make. Thanks for visiting!